Another bride by the sea

After a weeding at the Chapel at Gold Creek.

I took the family to Batemans bay for a break for the rest of the week end.

We were heading back from the beach when I saw this beautiful bride, obviously after a shooting session.

A few more

I forgot to mention that I used two Nikon bodies for this Ceremony, and the result is quite pleasant.

I usually shoot with two Canon bodies (5D & 1D3) but use both systems.
Anyway, here are some more:

A new website

Well, I was quite busy configuring the new interface for my new website that I didn’t have time to blog, and event PP my recents weddigns 🙂

Anyway, here are a few photos that I second shot with Anne, a new wedding photographer in town, at the Chapel.

Wedding @ Gundaroo

This is a very nice wedding at a bicentenial community church in Gundaroo.
Very nice and elegant couple that I had the chance to snap their special moment.

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Some details snapped at the same wedding @ Gundaroo

A lix of High Key and effect in CS3 with a bit of PP

cheap clothes