H2O Injektd by H4D40

It was a long day, last Sunday, but it was one of those awesome days that I have great fun working with great people.

Talents involved are

Models: Claire, Nina, Sam & Viet

MUA & Styling: Isma

Location: Injektd Studio, Mitchel

Shot with a Hasselblad H4D40, lit by Profoto, Einstein & Mola.



After an awesome wedding on Saturday (Jess & Jamie’s Wedding), I had a portfolio shoot this morning and a studio shoot in the afternoon.

Couldn’t go to sleep without posting some image from this afternoon shoot.

I named it ISMA, dedicated to the awesome make up artist Isma Majeed. We set up this shoot before Isma when on holidays and exchanging ideas during her holidays.

Isma came back from her trip with some awesome outfit and jewelries and we really had good fun.

Claire, Nina & Sam were the models. Claire & Nina did their own hair and Isma did the make up.

We did the shoot at the Injektd Studio in Mitchell.

Check out some shots coming out of a H4D40.
